The Sacred
of Our Lives
“The Liturgy of the Church is a moment where all the dimensions of our lives come before the living God. It is a place where we have an active encounter with God. It is a place, therefore, where we can rediscover the sacred of our lives.”
-- Bishop Arthur Serratelli
We invite you to attend our Masses and join one of our Liturgical Ministries:
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion have an attitude of reverence for the Liturgy and Eucharist, and a desire to administer Holy Communion at Mass or to the sick and homebound. They assist the priests and deacons at Sunday and weekday Masses in the distribution of Holy Communion and also carry the Blessed Sacrament to those who cannot come to Church, those confined to their homes, in hospitals or nursing homes.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God to the assembled community, which will shape their lives.
Altar Servers serve God and the parish community by helping the priest, deacon and assembly in the ritual of the Mass. Participants are trained for their duties prior to their initiation as altar servers. Candidates for Altar Servers can be adults or young people who have made their First Holy Communion.
Greeters welcome and assist people as they prepare to enter into the celebration of the Mass, to answer questions about our parish community, and to assist Ushers as the need arises.
Ushers give special assistance as needed at Mass, choose gift-bearers for Offertory procession, take up the Offertory collection, and help as needed. They desire to serve the parish community gathered to celebrate the Sacred Liturgy, and possess the ability to handle a variety of situations with tact, skill and good humor.
Children's Liturgy of the Word Catechists (available during 9:30 am Sunday Masses) teach our children ages 3 through 7 about the Sunday Scripture Readings. Sessions are designed to engage young children in our faith by using age-appropriate language and resources. Catechists will be provided with the necessary training, guidance and resources. Previous experience is not required. Please contact Michele Alexander for more information about Children's Liturgy of the Word.
Please contact Deacon John Giacci, Director of Liturgy, to learn more, 302-239-7100, ext. 32. Learn more about the Liturgy.
Music is an important part of our Liturgy. Please visit our Music Ministry page to learn more.
Paramount to the
Spiritual Life of
our Parish Community
The celebration of the Liturgy is paramount to the spiritual life of our parish community. It is "the summit toward which the activity of the church is directed; at the same time it is the fount from which all the Church's power flows. (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 1963)