Congratulations on your child's birth and your willingness to accept the responsibility of raising your child in The Roman Catholic Church. We are happy to welcome your child into our faith through the first sacrament of initiation.
To enhance your awareness of the baptism, a one-hour class is presented on the first Thursday of every month from 7:00-8:00 pm in the parish office. All parents are encouraged to attend but it is only required for those who have not attended a class in the past (3) years. Class attendance should be completed prior to the baptism.
Baptisms are celebrated in the church on the second and fourth Sunday of the month at 1:00 pm with a few exceptions, holy days, Sundays in Lent, etc.
Baptism may also be celebrated during Mass at the discretion of the presider. If you are interested in this option, please get in touch with the Parish office to discuss available dates and Mass times.
If a visiting priest/deacon will preside, they will need to contact our Pastor asking for a delegation to officiate at the baptism.
Godparents must be over the age of 16, baptized and confirmed Catholic, and living the Catholic faith registered at a parish. If married, the marriage must be valid in the Catholic Church. A sponsor letter will be required from the church where the Godparent is registered, stating that the sponsor is a Catholic in good standing.
Parents may not be the Godparents of their own children, as the Godparent's role is to help the parents to bring the child up in the Catholic faith. One sponsor is sufficient, but no more than two are permitted. When a sponsor cannot be present at the baptism, they may designate a proxy to stand in their place. If you can only find one Catholic sponsor, a baptized Christian witness may be used in addition. According to the Diocesan policy, only one male and one female are permitted. The sponsor's letter of good standing must be received before baptism.
Please fill out the information below with all pertinent information.
If you are not registered in the parish, please do so at this time.
For further information, please contact Flora Giacci at (302) 239-7100 ext. 10, or email at [email protected].